Michi-no-Eki Nakatosa

Also, at the Service Area, the visitors can shop at direct sales outlets, enjoy restaurants, cafes, bakery, souvenirs, tourist information and other services, including children playing area as well as a dog park which dogs can run around without a leash.
Here you will find a shop, restaurant, bakery, snack corner and souvenirs.
Make sure to stop by Michi-no-Eki,
which boasts plenty of the delicious charm of Fisherman Town.
[マルシェなかとさ]Marche NakatosaMarket,Cafe
[浜焼き 海王]Hamayaki KaioSeafood Restaurant
[岩本こむぎ店]Iwamoto KomugitenBakery
[風工房]Kaze KoboSweets & Cafe